Is This What It Feels Like? Season 1
Is This What It Feels Like? Season 1
60 minutes / Episode
Jason, Aldi, and Jono are best friends who are always together. They always face incidents at school and outside of school together, with their silliness.
Genres Drama, Soap
Casts Alyssa Soebandono, Gilbert Marciano, Nadia Vega, Rifky Balweel, Raya Kohandi, Aji Yusman, Teresa Bleszynski, Nia Ramadhani, Mischa Chandrawinata, Ricky Harun, Asmirandah, Yuki Kato, Reza Rahadian, Fauziah Alatas, Nadila Ernesta, Jimmy Gideon
Is This What It Feels Like? Season 1