Golden Days
Golden Days
45 minutes / Episode
The store is located in today's Belgrade and follows a young couple who, after failed marriages and after only 48 hours of acquaintance, start creating a family. Both from previous marriages and just when they start living together, numerous families, neighbors and friends enter their lives, who with their problems, emotions and adventures show that life always has its witty side. It is this humor that makes this story honest, healing and interesting.
Genres Comedy
Casts Andrija Kuzmanović, Tamara Krcunović, Milutin 'Mima' Karadžić, Amar Ćorović, Jana Milosavljević, Snežana Savić, Aleksandar Radojičić, Dušanka Stojanović, Milica Bašić, Branko Janković, Uroš Jakovljević, Mladen Sovilj, Miloš Đorđević, Ljiljana Stjepanović, Filip Hajduković, Maja Šipovac, Feđa Stojanović, Eva Ras, Mladen Andrejević, Maja Kolundžija, Milica Stefanović, Sofija Juričan, Dragan 'Dragi' Petrović, Svetlana Sretenović, Ivan Đorđević, Miloš Vlalukin, Aleksandar Jovanović, Milan Stamenković, Milan Gromilić, Jovana Krstić, Vuk Kostić
Creators Pink TV
Golden Days