Run, Buddy, Run Season 1 Episode 4
Run, Buddy, Run Season 1 Episode 4
30 minutes / Episode
At the Devere Enterprises skyscraper in New York, Mr. D. announces a new plan to get Buddy Overstreet. Over his closed-circuit TV broadcasts, he announces an incentive program: great prizes like a color TV and a trip to Hawaii for the employee who finds Buddy Overstreet. Meanwhile, in Kansas, Buddy has fallen asleep on the back of a farm truck he'd snuck on. The owner of the truck and the farm, Carl Jensen, says he could use a farmhand. Buddy, seeing a sign that says ""Strawberry"" picks the pseudonym Berry Straw for this week. Livening the plot is Carl's 24-year-old granddaughter Betsy, who is a bit of a tomboy. Betsy and Buddy do the farm chores together: when they are bailing hay, Buddy's pitchfork slips out of his hands and punctures the tractor's tire; when they carry crates, Buddy isn't strong enough to lift his onto the truck, and Betsy has to do it for him; when they are chopping firewood, Buddy's axe gets stuck in the log. The Jensen's former farmhand, Ben Pearson (about 6'
Genres Comedy
Casts Jack Sheldon, Gregg Palmer, Bruce Gordon, Nicholas Georgiade
Creators Leonard B. Stern
Run, Buddy, Run Season 1 Episode 4