Kanojo no Ura Sekai
Kanojo no Ura Sekai
143 minutes / Episode
Nishimura Toshiro works at a production company as a drama director. He has been having a hectic time, discussing the script for an ongoing drama with the female producer who is not satisfied with it. The proud and elitist Toshiro intends to make interesting works. But he does not realise that his mindset is elitist and old-fashioned, and that he tends to be chauvinistic. His life has gone smoothly so far and he believes he has everything. Toshiro proposes to his 29-year-old girlfriend, Kondo Akiko, whom he has been dating for three years. Well, from his perspective, he proposed because he feels responsible for her. Akiko is a modest-looking woman who has been supporting the busy Toshiro, doing the housework and cooking perfectly. But the day after his proposal, Akiko leaves the engagement ring behind and vanishes all of a sudden.
Genres Drama, Mystery
Casts Ayame Goriki, Takahiro Miura, Naomi Nishida, Hikohiko Sugiyama, Yutaro, Shuntaro Yanagi
Kanojo no Ura Sekai