Jake and The Kid
Jake and The Kid
60 minutes / Episode
Life in Crocus as seen through the eyes of a young lad, Ben, and his friend Jake. Jake and the Kid is a Canadian television drama series, which aired on the CanWest Global system of stations in the 1990s. The second (1995) television adaptation of W. O. Mitchell's 1961 short story collection Jake and the Kid the series is set in the small town of Crocus, Saskatchewan, and centres on the friendship between Ben "the Kid" Osborne (Ben Campbell), a young boy growing up on a farm with his widowed mother Julia (Patricia Harras), and Jake Trumper (Shaun Johnston), a farmhand who becomes Ben's surrogate father figure.
Genres Drama, Family
Casts Fred Keating, Julie Khaner, Robert Clothier, Shaun Johnston, Patricia Harras, Ben Campbell
Jake and The Kid