Ghost Hunters Academy Season 1 Episode 6
Ghost Hunters Academy Season 1 Episode 6
45 minutes / Episode
Location: Cedar Grove, NJ *** WARNING! MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS *** For the recruits' final investigation, Steve and Tango take them to the site of one of TAPS' most harrowing escapades: Essex County Hospital. The recruits are obviously fired up to have the chance to explore such an impressive location. Hanging over everything, of course, is the fact that this will be the moment when the team leaders make their decision as to which recruits, if any, will be invited to take the next step and join the Ghost Hunters family. Setup is conducted quickly, and the investigation gets underway. This time, Steve and Tango are going one-on-one with individual recruits to get a firsthand assessment of their skills. Steve starts out with Karl, and is impressed when the young investigator pursues what sounds like footsteps to discover that it's only water hitting a mattress. Steve has another good experience with Jane, who he says demonstrates skill and leadership. Tango, on the other hand, isn't having as much luck. He first comes up empty with a nervous Jane, and then hooks up with Ben, who spends a lot more time talking about proper investigative procedure than actually doing it. Steve finishes up with Chris, who he says shows a great deal of passion, perhaps more than demonstrated by the other recruits. Meanwhile, Essex County Hospital is delivering the goods. Karl, Jane and Ben hear strange knocking sounds in Building 5, while Chris and Susan experience temperature drops and more noises in Building 3. The recruits hold their own, however, pursuing every lead and debunking experiences like a banging noise that turns out to be a free-swinging door. The biggest hitch comes when it turns out that Jane neglected to press record on one of the DV cams. Steve says that's not a great sign. Eventually, Steve calls the class to meet at center command and wraps up the investigation. As analysis gets underway, everyone's psyched and feels like they're still in the running. The recruits definitely demonstrate the knowledge they've accrued over the course of the semester during this phase of the game, quickly dismissing some evidence that turns out to be sketchy and zeroing in on the one or two pieces of data that can't be definitively explained. Now, however, it's time for the moment of truth. First, the team leaders single out Ben, who they say is incredibly technically savvy, but doesn't fare as well away from the equipment. Still, they see potential in him and invite him to return for another round of training in the next season of Ghost Hunters Academy. The same fate awaits Chris, who came on strong despite his late start. Unfortunately, Steve and Tango don't have good news for Jane, who they find to lack composure and professionalism. Jane, obviously, is incredibly disappointed by this news. At this point, it's down to the final two recruits, Karl and Susan. Steve says Karl has been the most consistent of the team, but that he still needs some polish...and that's why they're inviting him to continue his development as part of Ghost Hunters International. Karl is incredibly psyched by this outcome...but Susan feels that it can't mean anything good for her. Tango seems to confirm this by saying there were a lot of up-and-down results with her, but then it's time for good news, as Susan is also invited to join Ghost Hunters International. A lover of travel and learning about other cultures, Susan is stoked. With the final grades handed out, Steve and Tango put the wraps on what they feel was a successful first foray into training a new generation of ghost hunters. Everyone piles into the Ghost Hunters Academy vehicle and rides off toward a future filled with more paranormal adventure. Today's Lessons: - In paranormal investigation, actions speak louder than words. - Professionalism is key. - Hard work and good investigative skills pay off.
Genres Documentary
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