Downstairs Season 2
Downstairs Season 2
143 minutes / Episode
Downstairs is an adult animated series that follows a cast of wacky and colourful Kopitiam stalls owners on the ground floor of an unnumbered HDB flat, in an unnamed HDB estate. Together, everyone seems to bring out the very best and worst in each other as they embark on crazy adventures throughout their little neighborhood.
Genres Animation, Comedy
Casts Patricia Mok, Siti Khalijah Zainal, Shane Mardjuki, Judee Tan, Andrew Marko, Sharul Channa, Oon Shu An, Joe Augustyn, Darius Tan, Andrew Lua, Erwin Shah Ismail, Grace Kalaiselvi, Anthony Levi Kho
Creators Ervin Han
Downstairs Season 2