The Nipple Talk
The Nipple Talk
143 minutes / Episode
Busy with work and having no romance for many years, Pony and her college friends Xiao Zhi and A Xuan explore what kind of relationship they want. By recording her podcasts, Pony recorded every bit of the three people's process of finding love, and through interacting with different partners, they gradually understood their own true emotional needs. Although the three have different sexual orientations, they can sincerely share their longings and troubles for love through laughter and occasional sarcasm. The three try to overcome their personality flaws and find a relationship that makes them feel comfortable.
Genres Drama, Comedy
Casts Lin Si Yu, Lucia, Bryan Shu-Hao Chang, Kaiser Chuang, Hsia Teng Hung, Heaven Hai, Thomas Price, Esther Liu, Lee Shao Xiang
Creators Lincoln Lai
The Nipple Talk