Private Lesson
Private Lesson
143 minutes / Episode
The story revolves around Suad (Suad Abdullah), who works as a secretary in a company, Suad falls in love with Engineer Noah (Abdulhussain Abdul Redha), who works with her in the same company, but he does not care or pay attention to her at all, so her sister Maryam (Maryam Al-Saleh) intervenes with the aim of bringing them closer through a set of plans
Genres Comedy
Casts AbdulHusain AbdulRedha, Soad Abdullah, Mariam Al-Saleh, Hayat Al-Fahad, Ibrahim Al-Sallal, Mohammed Jaber, Kathem Al-Qallaf, Hamad Nasser, Jasem Al-Saleh
Creators AbdulHusain AbdulRedha
Private Lesson