Minoru Kunizawa
Minoru Kunizawa
Minoru Kunizawa a.k.a. Shūsaku Niki is a Japanese film director, screenwriter, and actor best known for his work in the pink film genre. Including Yutaka Ikejima, Yumi Yoshiyuki and Tarō Araki, Kunizawa is one of the four top directors of Ōkura Productions (OP) at the turn of the millennium, and the only one of the four who did not start out as an actor. Instead, Kunizawa joined the film industry as an assistant director to pink film pioneer Satoru Kobayashi. He made his directorial debut with Kyonyū: hasande kuwaeru (巨乳 はさんで咥える) (1995). Kunizawa's films have been very popular with pink film fans, and he has had more than one film in the Top Ten at the Pink Grand Prix for multiple years. He has also won the Best Director prize twice. Irresistable Angel: Suck It All Up (2003), for which he won Best Director, is an erotic variation on the X-Men story.
Known For Directing
Popularity 3.167
Birthday 1964-01-01
Place of Birth Hyōgo Prefecture, Japan
Also Known As Niki Shûsaku, 仁木周作, 国沢☆実, 国沢星実, 国沢卍実,


Tight Short Trucker

Tight Short Trucker

Nozoki no teguchi: Inran onna on erae

Nozoki no teguchi: Inran onna on erae

Sexual Harassment Baptism: Eating Disorder

Sexual Harassment Baptism: Eating Disorder

Pink zone 3: Dutch wife bojô

Pink zone 3: Dutch wife bojô

Dare ni demo iyarashii himitsu ga aru

Dare ni demo iyarashii himitsu ga aru

Oshiego to Kyôshi: Itazura Hime Hajime

Oshiego to Kyôshi: Itazura Hime Hajime