Music Machine
Music Machine
0h 26m
While flying a kite on a hill, two children named Stevie and Nancy are swept away aloft by their kite in sci-fi fashion to a fantasy, wonderland-type world called Agapeland. It is a lush green place near a river, containing over-sized mushrooms, living plants, and friendly woodland animals. Shortly after their arrival in the pleasant Agapeland, Stevie and Nancy discover the Marvelous Music Machine, which Stevie explains is a "quanamatic digilator." Stevie tries to make it work, but only succeeds in causing it to produce a loud noise, which shoves him back into the Music Machine's caretaker (possibly creator), The Conductor.
Genres Animation, Family
Casts Pat Boone, Stan Freberg, Donavan Freberg, Hannah Cutrona, Alan Oppenheimer, Merrill Mael, Robert Ridgely
Directors Leo Salkin
Music Machine